> Carlton College Students
Certificate in Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
Source: | Author:carltoncollege | Published time: 2017-08-10 | 2151 Views | Share:



Elements define the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria specify the level of performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Create an environment for play

1.1 Assist in the provision of areas, resources and materials for different kinds of play

1.2 Set up a safe environment that is non-threatening, challenging, stimulating and promotes a sense of belonging

1.3 Assist in the provision of unhurried opportunities for both group and individual play activities and experiences indoors and outdoors

2. Support children’s play and learning

2.1 Engage children in discussion (as appropriate) of their play and learning

2.2 Use routines to undertake intentional teaching and seek opportunities for spontaneous learning

2.3 Use experiences, resources and materials flexibly to meet children’s individual preferences and to prompt extensions of play

2.4 Assist children to participate in a variety of experiences and to choose those which support their competency and confidence

2.5 Demonstrate respect for children’s choice not to participate and encourage participation where an experience is new or unknown

3. Facilitate children’s play, learning and physical activity

3.1 Follow child’s lead in play and participate when invited

3.2 Initiate play and invite the child to participate

3.3 Interact with children showing enthusiasm, playfulness and enjoyment

3.4 Respond to children’s reactions to play environments to ensure each child remains interested, challenged but not frustrated

3.5 Establish routine with children so as to support them in remaining safe